Raw Brownies


  • 1 cup each of the following: hazelnuts, whole almonds and walnuts
  • 6 oz. dates, seeded and hydrated in warm water
  • 1 cup of cocoa powder
  • 1/3 cup agave
  • 2 tsp. cinnamon

** 1 cup chocolate chunks optional


  • Toast the nuts in oven at 350 degrees.  (Consider toasting the hazelnut separate from the rest, you will want to remove the skins afterwards.)  Set aside and allow to cool.
  • Seed and then hydrate dates in warm water.  Once they are soft, purée in food processor or a high powered blender with ½ of the warm water.  Add in the agave and the cinnamon.  Combine the remaining water with the cocoa powder to make a paste.  Add into the date purée and combine.
  • Once the nuts have cooled, add them to the chocolate date mixture.  **Depending on the equipment you have, you may need to add some warm water to help the nuts blend into the mixture.  Add chocolate chunks at this time.
  • Once they have blended in and the mixture is smooth, you can spread it out into a foil lined pan (loaf pan for thick, 9x9 for thin) and allow to set up in the refrigerator.  To attain the double layer in the photo, spread the PowerBalls recipe onto the bottom of a foil lined pan first, allow to set up in the refrigerator and then spread the raw brownie on top.